姜怡 发布时间:2018-08-06 浏览次数:7704 姜 怡 职称:副教授 Email:yjiang@dep.ecnu.edu.cn 个人主页:https://faculty.ecnu.edu.cn/_s8/jy2_3632/main.psp
2010-2015 韩国高丽大学,教育心理学博士 2008-2010 韩国高丽大学,教育心理学硕士 2002-2006上海大学,对外汉语学士
发展心理学(本科) 心智、大脑与教育(本科) 教育心理学(研究生) 教育心理学研究方法(研究生) 学习与教学(研究生) 学习与动机科学(研究生) 学习与动机的认知神经基础(研究生) 回避性动机与学生学习(研究生) 学习科学高级研讨(研究生) 量化科研论文写作(研究生)
学习动机 教育干预 社会环境对学习的影响 教育神经科学
Anderman, E. M., Ma, S., Jiang, Y., & Yang, X.* (Accepted). The past, present, and future of educational psychology: A discussion with Professor Eric Anderman. Journal of East China Normal University (Educational Sciences). 教育心理学的过去、现在和未来:对艾瑞克·安德曼(Eric Anderman)教授的访谈。华东师范大学学报(教育科学版) Jiang, Y.* (Accepted). Developmental trajectory of high school students’ learning motivation and its relation with academic achievement. Journal of East China Normal University (Educational Sciences).高中生学习动机发展模态及其对学业成绩的影响。华东师范大学学报(教育科学版) Jiang, Y.*, & Yang, X. (2022). Individual and contextual determinants of students’ learning and performance. Educational Psychology,42(4), 397-400. doi:10.1080/01443410.2022.2055958 Wu, F., Jiang, Y.*, Liu, D., Konorova, E., & Yang, X. (2022). The role of perceived teacher and peer relationships in adolescent students’ academic motivation and educational outcomes. Educational Psychology,42(4), 439-458. doi: 10.1080/01443410.2022.2042488 Shin, D. D., Kim, S.*, Lee, M., Jiang, Y., & Bong, M. (2022). Role of perceived competence and task interest in learning from negative feedback. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:830462. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.830462 Jiang, Y.* (2022). Peer relationships: Important social determinates of adolescents’ learning motivation. Shanghai Education, May issue, 13-14. 同伴关系:点燃学习动机的催化剂。上海教育,5月刊 Jiang, Y.*, & Rosenzweig, E. Q. (2021). Using cost to improve predictions of adolescent students’ future choice intentions, avoidance intentions, and course grades in math and English. Learning and Individual Differences,86, 101978. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2021.101978 Jiang, Y.*, Kim, S., & Bong, M. (2020). The role of cost in adolescent students’ maladaptive academic outcomes. Journal of School Psychology, 83, 1-24. doi: 10.1016/j.jsp.2020.08.004 Gaspard, H., Jiang, Y.*, Piesch, H., Nagengast, B., Jia, N., Lee, J., & Bong, M. (2020). Assessing students’ values and costs in three countries: Gender and Grade differences within countries and structural differences across countries. Learning and Individual Differences, 79, 101836.doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2020.101836. Liu, T.*, Zhang, X., & Jiang, Y. (2020). Family socioeconomic status and the cognitive competence of very young children from migrant and non-migrant families: The mediating role of parenting self-efficacy and parental involvement. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 51, 229-241. doi:/10.1016/j.ecresq.2019.12.004 Song, J., & Jiang, Y.* (2019). The distinct roles of proximal and distal utility values in academic behaviors: Future time perspective as a moderator. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:1061. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01061 Jiang, Y.*, Rosenzweig, E. Q., & Gaspard, H. (2018). An expectancy-value-cost approach in predicting adolescent students’ academic motivation and achievement. Contemporary Educational Psychology 54, 139-152.doi:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2018.06.005 Gaspard, H.*, Wigfield, A, Jiang, Y., Nagengast, B., Trautwein, U., & Marsh, H. W. (2018). Dimensional comparison effects of students’ achievements on their expectancy and value beliefs across multiple domains. Contemporary Educational Psychology.52, 1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2017.10.003 Jiang, Y.*(2016). Neural mechanisms of motivation. Journal of Bio-Education, 4, 194-202. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-4301.2016.04.005. 动机的神经机制。教育生物学杂志 Woo, Y., Song, J., Jiang, Y., Cho, C., Bong, M., & Kim, S.* (2015). Effects of informative and confirmatory feedback on brain activation during negative feedback processing.Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9:378. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00378 Jiang, Y., Bong, M.*, & Kim, S. (2015). Conformity of Korean adolescents in their perceptions of social relationships and academic motivation. Learning and Individual Differences, 40, 41-54. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2015.04.012 Jiang, Y., Kim, S.*, & Bong, M. (2014). Effects of reward contingencies on brain activation during feedback processing.Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:656. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00656 Jiang, Y., Song, J., Lee, M., & Bong, M.* (2014). Self-efficacy and achievement goals as motivational links between perceived contexts and achievement. Educational Psychology, 34,92-117. doi:10.1080/01443410.2013.863831 Song, J., Jiang, Y., & Kim, S.* (2013). Comparison of the predictive power of interest and utility value in predicting students’ classroom engagement and achievement in English across grade levels: The moderating role of perceived competence. The Korean Journal of Educational Psychology, 27, 783-805.
全国教育科学规划一般项目:大学生学习成本认知的形成发展机制与干预策略研究(主持,2022-2025) 上海市自然科学基金面上项目:基于多模态数据融合的在线学习认知模型及优化研究(参与,2022-2025) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:内外动机对青少年学习的影响:行为和神经机制研究(参与,2022-2025) 华东师范大学“幸福之花”先导研究基金项目(人文社会科学):复杂学习情境下核心素养测评范式及其培养机制研究(子课题负责人,2019-2022) 上海市教委项目:上海市小升初入学评价推进研究(主持,2019-2020) 上海市教委项目:上海市小升初入学准备指南研究(主持,2018-2019) 华师大教育学部高峰学科项目:青少年学习成本认知研究(主持,2017-2018)
杰出研究奖,韩国高丽大学(2014,2015) 留学生奖学金,韩国高丽大学(2009 -- 2015)
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