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Getting Along With "Chaos" | Sihan Xiao Talks About Class Interaction Analysis
Time:2019-07-01 Counts:63

On June 27th, at the invitation of the Department of Educational Psychology (DEP), Sihan Xiao, the Deputy Director of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, East China Normal University, and Ph.D. in Human Development and Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), visited the Educational Psychology Interdisciplinary Salon, bringing a wonderful report entitled " Getting Along With ‘Chaos’: the Path of Interactive Analysis and Its Reflection" for teachers and students. The salon was hosted by Yi Jiang, the Deputy Director of DEP.

First of all, Prefessor Xiao used the method of interactive analysis as a guide to play a 4-minute high school classroom video, asking a question: What can I see from this clip, how can I analyze it? This led to the concept of "construction of cognition".

Next, Professor Xiao introduced the methods and theories of cognitive construction such as ordinary people's methodology, idioms, centripetal and centrifugal forces of language, language games, local life, third space, carnival, and chaos. Finally, Professor Xiao put forward his own reflection on the concept of “interdisciplinary” and research ethics.

In the Q&A session, the participants had an in-depth exchange with the Professor Xiao on key issues such as the order and chaos of the world, the interpretation of classroom video and natural classroom relations, and the interactive analysis of Chinese and American cultural differences.

The Educational Psychology Interdisciplinary Salon is a series of academic activities planned by DEP. It is planned to be held once a month and will invite domestic and foreign experts in the field of education and psychology to introduce the latest research results. The Salon aims to broaden the academic horizons of teachers and students of the Faculty of Education, promote the development of educational empirical research, and enhance interdisciplinary academic cooperation.

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